TaijaVigilia on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/taijavigilia/art/RRW-Welcome-Leia-345137957TaijaVigilia

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RRW- Welcome Leia!



Oh my god this took over a month to finish, so sorry for taking forever but it's been one of the messiest and most unpleasant months of the century for this household. Without going into too much detail lets just say every single winter bug and -itis that you can think of we've probably had and only just managed to sort of recover for Christmas.
This is the third of the Random Request Week requests and this one's for :iconrae-22:

The brief was that it "has to do with Disney buying Lucas films [link] as you may or may not have known. My husband I were thinking that this technically makes Princess Leia (from star wars) a Disney princess. So i was think you could draw all or some (its up to you) of the Disney princesses meeting/welcoming Princess Leia, and um her reaction. Which I will leave up to you, some ideas though are she is scared, confused, angry, or even happy.".
Well, ultimately I couldn't think of any other reaction than happy and all-around welcoming, we are talking about Disney princesses after all. And Leia might have been confused at first but how can you not be happy when everyone around you is happy? :D

I went digital with this since my hands are still infuriatingly shaky after a long flu. Long live the undo button! Textures used from [link] , [link] and [link] plus one from official Disney website backgrounds and one of my own.
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